Can A.I be Creative?
Artificial Intelligence has been gaining popularity over the years due to its contribution to the society. A.I is used to solve complex problems faster compared to humans. These problems include stocks trading bot, shopping recommendations, fraud detection , etc. A.I is capable of doing a lot of interesting stuff but the problem here is that can A.I be creative? But what is creativity in the first place? The Oxford dictionary defines the word, "creativity" as the use of skill and imagination to produce something new or to produce art. This is where things get tricky!. Can A.I imagine in the first place? Well, the Oxford dictionary defines the word, "imagination" as the ability to create pictures in your mind. Looking at this definition, it would be possible for A.I to imagine since it can "randomly" combine image datasets to form a single picture.
Now let's move back the main question which asks if A.I can be creative. Since A.I can gain skills by learning from datasets (training model) and imagine with the help of datasets, I can say Yes, A.I can be creative. Looking at some examples, a comedy show and horror movie was written by Netflix using A.I which I would personally rate 2 out of 5 stars. The reason is that I have watched over 100+ comedy shows and horror movies which my brain is using rate this Netflix movie. Even though the movie did not meet my expectations, it still doesn't mean that the A.I was not creative. It was just that it didn't fit into my definition or measurement of creativity. According to Jason Toy, CEO of Somatic, he states that it would take a while for humans to finally program creativity into an A.I which seems to be true from this example.